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Premium Surfing Presets for Lightroom – Free Download

Premium Surfing Presets for Lightroom – Free Download

Processing Surf Photos in Lightroom

There’s a variety of different photo editing software out there, however Adobe have it down pat for convenience sake, because you can really do just about anything you want to do with Lightroom and Photoshop. Though, regardless of what software you are using, for quality images one of the easiest ways to make a photo look better is by cropping them.

You can’t always be in a tropical paradise, where every photo looks perfect straight of the camera. Thus, post processing is a great way to enhance the quality of you images and composure. Lightroom is a powerful, and widely use post editing tool which is great for efficiently getting to most out of your images. It enables you to adjust important elements such as the contrast, exposure, and saturation, and is pack full of features which can help you completely transform an image (if you wanted to). Using Lightroom also allows you to easily access the unedited versions of your photos, and edit them without overwriting the original files. This was you can try out all the different styles and settings before exporting the finished copy.

Make the most of masks, filters and brushes. These are handy because they enable you to apply settings to specific areas of you photos, such as ONLY to the surfer, or ONLY to the background.

Lightroom Presets

I use Adobe Lightroom to process most of my surfing photos. One way of saving time when editing photos is to save the applied adjustment settings as a preset. Once you’ve created a Preset, these adjustment settings are saved and ready to apply to your other photos using the Lightroom Presets panel. Presets are a great way to edit photos faster and apply adjustments in just one click, or more, because you can still tweak the adjustments applied by a preset. Presets are free to create and there are also loads of Lightroom Preset Bundles available from other professional photographers.

When it came to learning how to edit surf photos I always found it very different to regular photography. So to help you out, here is a set of premium surf photography presets I developed through my editing processes.

Hopefully these can also give you a glimpse into how to process surf photos in Lightroom.

Download “Download Premium Surf Photography Presets” – Downloaded 11423 times – 41.60 KB

If you like these, check out my other post “SURFING LIGHTROOM PRESETS PACK” for another free download

Editing Tips to consider

  • High Brightness – Well exposed wave and surfer with plenty contrast)
  • Enhanced Clarity
  • Slightly Lowered Saturation, but raised vibrance (eg. Saturation -10, Vibrance +20)
  • Slightly reduce the saturation of reds, oranges, and purples
  • Slightly enhance the saturation for the blues and greens
  • Find presets to suit your photos and desired finish
  • Save your most common adjustments as presets to save time

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